Anton Vujma's book About black PR
The Method of mass consciousness.
The Information is distributed actively and in mass scale. Many people the behaviour show, that they already agree with changes. The sensation, that all crowd for, and one you against and you not соответствуешь to standards if you will not take it is created. Under this circuit the fashionable phenomena and fashionable currents are distributed. Under this circuit people start itself to feel ущербно without the machine, a cellular telephone and similar things.
Mass character in the beginning is simulated, and then she(it) becomes norm. The press easily allows to create illusion of at the person that all crowd already does(makes) something and only it(he) or she(it) it do not do(make). And this influence of "crowd" finally, radical image can change one of virtual concepts. And together with it(him) a way of life of the person and his(its) purpose.
The last centuries for creation of effect of mass character it was necessary to collect crowd and to operate its(her) behaviour. Now it is enough to make good performance in MASS-MEDIA.
The Method of an information virus.
The information having a high degree of a urgency and uniqueness Is created. She(it) can be in any branch and any maintenance(contents). Inside of this information the fact which is planned to inform up to an audience takes root. As the interesting story or a joke start to retell this information each other. But, retelling, inform as also that fact for the sake of which all and was done(made). For example, crowd from hundred person deserts any known shop tomatoes, and it is done(made) that in shop poor-quality products which are suitable only for забрасывания a facade of shop sell. An amusing case is забрасывание shop tomatoes, and the transmitted fact low qualities of products in this shop. Whether a lie a quite good course for black PR?
Or other example. The big procession of bandaged people, with plasters and on crutches goes on the central street making, thus, the protest against poor quality of houses which are built by such building company. You see houses can fail and make their invalids, and they beforehand have bandaged themselves and show to the public, that can happen to them. The interesting fact of procession of the bandaged mummies starts to be transferred by word of mouth, but thus the public pays attention and to poor quality of constructions.
Information viruses involve with the originality, a urgency, забавностью or sensational nature. People are pulled to these facts, but together with the required information absorb also an information virus which destroys one of virtual concepts. Then start to tell familiar the given fact thus, distributing a virus is farther.
Any information virus consists from:
• the Head part. That is that information which involves people with the originality, a urgency or забавностью. And this information provokes people to retell the fact further. She(it) infects consciousness.
• the Corporal part. That additional information which is distributed in interests PR.
In a head part of a virus it is necessary to place something, that people will retell each other. It can be completely worthless case, i.e. the group of people what for jumps from the bridge, marking « Day of the fool » or someone establishes a record on driving on a bicycle with a violin back to front or builds hotel in the water drain. Or it is possible to mark there the actual fact for people, about the low prices or opportunities to achieve something or to avoid any threat. The head part defines(determines), on how many it will be effective this virus to be distributed. It is necessary, that people can retell this fact further and further. The huge quantity(amount) of such information viruses contains in the Book of Records Гиннеса.
That is loaded Into a corporal part of a virus of the information for the sake of which all and is done(made). And this information contacts that interesting fact which contains in a head part. So the shop can be deserted tomatoes by virtue of that it(he) simply not there is located also inhabitants against his(its) presence(finding) in this area. It is possible owing to hooliganism, and it is possible as a token of the protest against the poor-quality goods.
That the information virus changed variable virtual concept, it(he) should contain the facts indicating updatings having place with this concept, and also the data on where to search for material acknowledgement(confirmations) of these changes. For example, you want, that any mark of the dear(expensive) machine has fallen in price down to full depreciation. It is necessary to distribute the fact about harm of any details of this machine and to specify changes with health which in consequence(investigation) of these factors occur. It is possible to specify weariness, weakness, a radiculitis, increase of weight etc. At many people such changes occur in consequence(investigation) of constant use of the machine and are not connected to its(her) spare parts. Having proved to these people harm given элитной marks of the machine you receive sharp reduction of prices on these machines in б.у. Versions. The similar phenomenon is observed about a little bit broken machines. Even after a tiny dent by the new machine, the owner can solve, that to it(him) not the destiny on it(her) to go and start her(it) to sell under the low price. Naturally having bought such motor vehicle, you receive excellent(different) new transport in which only insignificant repair is required.
At the end of 80 in the USSR interesting clauses(articles) about the maintenance(contents) in Пепси-Коле harmful substances were published some. And it has essentially lowered its(her) selling. And these clauses(articles) was at all much, but the hearing was quickly distributed.
The Method of change of a pattern.
You can create some essentially new environment where variable the given virtual concept simply will lose sense. No, you will not change a variable, you will change environment(Wednesday). Naturally it is necessary to understand as Wednesday information to the environment or the environment of virtual concepts. That is you change all structure of values. Or speaking language of the theory of virtual concepts, change a pattern of virtual concept. Not always completely it is necessary to change a pattern, only unsignificantly it is possible to modify it(him), having received effective result.
The Method of change minor variable virtual concept.
As a rule, one and too the virtual concept has not one, and a little variable. Any from them base, but any minor and to change them it is much easier. It is possible to carry out their updating. At split of the USSR in the beginning republics were renamed in independent, and their chapters were named presidents. Then Michael Gorbachyov has remained the president without the state though formally it(he) remained the chapter of all these states. In same time to change a variable of authority from Gorbachev to Yeltsin it would be impossible, but, gradually changing variable for same authority, appeared, probably to replace all device of authority and this base variable. That is the base variable was changed, by change collateral.
If to spread out any virtual concept on components or simply to make his(its) description we can find weight of minor virtual concepts, each of which also is capable to be modified. And them, as a rule, to change much more easy, than base concept.
Methods of change material making concepts.
As already it was spoken earlier, one of the essential elements of any virtual concept is the material derivative. She(it), as a rule, difficultly changed(changeable) as not it is always accessible and is frequently protected by the law (if the question is such concepts as authority and the property). However the material derivative also can be altered. And for this purpose it is not so necessary to have access to it(her).
As earlier material derivative concepts this material acknowledgement(confirmation) of this concept already was told. It can be any papers, rituals, studies, sculptures and subjects of a life etc. Actually everything, everything down to rings at married people. It is that thing which designates an accessory(a belonging) of someone to virtual concept.
There Are some methods of change of a material derivative. There is to a kind a change its(her) information in the way, i.e. these derivatives remain in an integrity and safety.
The Method of substitution of a material derivative of virtual concept. No, in this case the question is not theft from the safe of the securities and accommodation on its(her) place new. The question is about пиаровской to procedure of replacement. The material derivative in this case does not vary, but its(her) functions pass to other material derivative. That is one paper loses force, and force is got with other paper or a thing.
We shall Recollect such case when losed on elections on Ukraine Victor Jushchenko, has declared that has won and has accepted the oath on the Bible in parliament to Ukraine. This ceremony of inauguration was absent in traditions of Ukraine, but Ющенко has applied a method of creation of a new material derivative instead of old. It(he) also could create the papers confirming his(its) presidential rank, many other distinctive marks which would be not than other as new material derivatives.
For use of a method of substitution it is necessary to create alternative material derivative virtual concepts and to convince a target audience of their fidelity. Yes laws adjust many things, but is far from being all and the more so laws do not adjust such virtual concepts, as love, hatred, aspiration, value etc.
Example. How provincial shop to make capital?
What material derivatives are characteristic for capital shop:
• the Arrangement somewhere in the centre of capital.
• Visiting by known people and rich public.
• High quality of design of an interior and service.
However, suppose, we want to create the centre of trade in a deaf(an indistinct) wood and thus that it(he) was quoted as capital shop. Material acknowledgement(confirmations) элитности this new shop and honour of his(its) visiting are necessary for us. Logically near to such shop to construct hotel with the highest level of service and the entertaining centre. Further in the shop to create something that is not present anywhere. For example, all visitors travel on a hall on small электро автомобильчиках. That is to make an interior design and service is higher, than in capital.
And in addition to all all this trading - entertaining complex can be placed inside of a glass pyramid under the form simulating pyramid Хеопса. And to explain such the decision to that in a pyramid is useful is for health.
Then there it is necessary to invite all known people of the world. Let there will arrive with curiosity even 30 person.
Also create inside as much as possible unique objects which доложны to prove престижность and importance of this place.
In result you receive a place where much will want to visit because of his(its) singularity, престижности and uniqueness.
Las Vegas on middle of Nevadskoj desert was similarly created.
Many enterprises aspire to prove, that they love the clients. And this love can be shown in the low prices, high quality etc. But can be shown and in the friend. In some acknowledgement(confirmations) of love. Confirm love to the client the chair on which at your office the client sits can for example. To a chair the monitor can be attached, and in the chair is inserted much functional массажор. Most likely, the client will not want all it long to use, but will be glad, that of it(him) care.
How to use a method of substitution in black PR? We shall assume in shop at the competitor cards(maps) at a discount are used. Naturally it it(he) shows love and care of clients. However you carry out(spend) independent research and publish results where prove, that that type of cards(maps) at a discount which is used in this shop does not provide benefit to the client, and only forces it(him) to spend more money and to become attached to shop in which the prices for many goods are not reasonable. For example, any goods in shop more cheaply than everywhere, and others opposite are more dear(expensive), but the card(map) at a discount in any plan forces to buy all kinds of the goods in this shop. It is possible to publish statistics of purchases and to prove, that buyers having leave a card(map) of money more, and the goods on the average for the same money receive less.
Other example. Many medicines for a nose at all it(him) do not treat a nose, and establish dependence between a medicine and the person. If the person does not use the given medicine it(he) can not spread out a nose and through any time is compelled normally to breathe, constantly to use this medicine. Arises any наркозависимость from the elementary medicine for a cold. But in the instruction to a medicine it is told, that more than two weeks this medicine is impossible to accept. However as it to make, you see to breathe that it would be desirable? And at pharmaceutical firm all is lawful, you see they have written contra-indications and how many a medicine to apply. In all the person is guilty. To prove the opposite, it is necessary to create a material derivative, it is proving. That is simple to make. It is necessary to lead(carry out) clinical research of hundreds patients in to reveal, that the given medicine causes dependence. The given clinical tests will prove it and become a new material derivative. And this derivative will prove, that the medicine does not treat, and will cripple, thus on carrying a loss to selling. Certainly it is possible to lead(carry out) the given PR-campaign and without clinical tests but then there will be no material derivative.
In black PR practically always it is desirable to confirm words with material derivatives. And if it to not do(make), PR can appear without demonstrative and ineffective.
Example. The state HIGH SCHOOLS of not existing state.
As is known, to open the higher Educational institution it is required to receive licenses of the state structures. And the system of the state accreditation of high SCHOOLS is very complex(difficult) and intricate. Thus she(it) is far from being always guarantees qualitative formation(education).
But it is possible to create diplomas not the state sample, given out by any association of noncommercial HIGH SCHOOLS. Such association is created and done(made) known and authoritative. For example, heads of leaders of branch can participate in its(her) creation as experts. The system of examination and the list of knowledge necessary for reception of this certificate is created.
In result this association starts to give out diplomas about the maximum(supreme) not the state formation(education). If she(it) becomes more known, more popular and authoritative, than the state accreditation of high SCHOOLS these kinds of diplomas will replace state, and will be quoted above. And then already state HIGH SCHOOLS will be compelled to receive the given kind of accreditation.
The Method of return to traditions. The given method does not create new material derivatives, and recollects old, traditional and on their base builds the circuit of manipulation with virtual concepts. Very much frequently behind any new material acknowledgement(confirmations) of virtual concepts disappear older and unused or used seldom. They also should be recollected.
During reorganization in Russia began to revive old values and old symbolics. And this old symbolics was material acknowledgement(confirmation) of changes occuring in Russia.
Once material acknowledgement(confirmation) of quality of the goods was the brand established(installed) in workshop. Now it is color colourful packings. But suddenly someone takes a rough paper both the goods turn there and put the brand, as the quality symbol. Also it is an old material derivative successfully works on the new goods.
Once for Soviet people colourful western packings seem the proof of quality and something new. But now old dairy bottles can seem something much better as do not contain some preservatives and chemicals. The qualitative product can be packed into too time differently. But packing partly is material acknowledgement(confirmation) of value of a product.
The Method of generation of new material derivatives.
Sometimes you find out, that those virtual concepts with which you should work, actually, have no at all material derivatives. That is have no concrete material acknowledgement(confirmations) or have no conventional material acknowledgement(confirmations). Then you can to create these acknowledgement(confirmations). Under this circuit there are quality symbols, values, stylishness and other badges financially confirming fidelity of this or that material concept. Actually it непаханое a field as very much many virtual concepts have no a unequivocal material embodiment which can be created.
By the way, and than medals and distinctions are? Not than other as material acknowledgement(confirmation) of a recognition of merits of this or that person. That to you prevents to create new distinctions, certificates, diplomas. We shall notice, that all these distinctions can not admit the state. The main thing for them that they were recognized with a society.
It Is possible to certificate all. It is possible to give out any distinctions. It is possible to create even new money and if they will be recognized can enter the general use. In France such case was. One artist has by hand drawn new money. As the artist was known, his(its) money soon began to be appreciated at restaurants of Paris and to be accepted level with real money.
Example. Who will cut a tree of a name of Putin?
In Kursk have thought up essentially new method of struggle against sealing building. Inhabitants of two shabby пятиэтажек were dissatisfied, that near to their houses on waste ground will erect the new multi-storey house. They naturally picketed about this site, built alive circuits, children's playgrounds cost there and protected them, but nothing has helped. However suddenly at one of them the fresh idea was born and the next morning on a place of the future construction the avenue of trees has appeared, and on one tree the tablet hung: « the Tree of a name of Vladimir Vladimirovicha Putin ». This plot has got in all newspapers and on some telechannels including central НТВ. Also appeared what to cut down this tree it became impossible for regional and city administration. This tablet they have actually adhered any modest tree to the government, to be exact have created the new material derivative protecting a tree.
Create all new and new material embodiments of virtual concepts and manipulate them.
Methods of change of behavioural derivative virtual concepts.
So, the last, that it is necessary to disassemble within the framework of methods of change of virtual concepts is a change of behaviour of people connected to virtual concepts.
All material concepts assume completely certain type of behaviour of people, i.e. execution(performance) of some roles determined by concept. The pattern of virtual concept is that other, as the script. In more detail we shall consider this aspect of the theory of virtual concepts in section Role system of this book.
All virtual concepts assume executions(performances) of some roles. If we consider(examine) authority. Allocated authority should supervise, slightly haughtily to communicate with subordinates, to give the task, to punish poorly исполняющих the work, to renumerate successful workers etc. it(he) should have харизму and have knowledge and abilities which allocate it(him) among weight of subordinates. And many heads have no any especial knowledge and abilities, but all the same should be considered, that they have something inaccessible the subordinate. Certain human qualities which put the chief above subordinates. If this allocation on abilities is not present, the chief ceases to be quoted among subordinates, and they cease to submit to it(him). Such chiefs or lose the authority, or severely start to punish not obeyed, trying the лютостью to compensate not skill to act the chief.
The Friendship also obliges people to the certain behaviour. Friends should meet, have dinner together help in complex(difficult) situations, mark holidays etc. Want to have friends, execute roles.
Value of money assumes an opportunity of reception for them of various resources. The person having resources can give them, offered money or to perform any work.
Modification of behaviour of people can cause change of structure of the most virtual concept. So you can force to do(make) the chief something only for one instant, having started to carry out his(its) role. Simply walking on holidays of strangers, it is possible to get with them friendly attitudes(relations). And on the contrary the person on all parameters applying on a role of the friend can not to be simple him(it) because does not visit(attend) similar actions. The correct behaviour makes active resources of this or that virtual concept.
Naturally behavioural aspect gives huge opportunities for manipulations with virtual concepts.
We shall Consider methods of work with behavioural aspect.
Method of imitation.
Imitation of behaviour which corresponds(meets) to the certain pattern of concrete virtual concept In this case is supposed. Simulating this behaviour, or group of people resources of the given virtual concept become accessible to the person. On this reception it is based numerous versions of swindle. Usually swindlers successfully act as someone and use documents (that is material acknowledgement(confirmations)) in result get access to resources. But imitation of behaviour can be successfully used and in quite lawful kinds of activity.
You, probably, paid attention that the tiny weak woman manages sometimes, being the school teacher, successfully to influence on 40 person of the raged schoolboys. At the same time strong young the man can not influence the same schoolboys sometimes. Than it speaks?
On the other hand, having applied a method of the teacher in work, for example, the advertising agent successfully it is possible to subordinate to itself advertizers. It is possible to receive a resource начальствования, on insignificant quantity(amount) of time, simulating a role of the chief. And this resource allows to influence people and to force them to do(make) that they would not began to do(make) without money or the order.
Телеведущий, simulating behaviour of the friend, and communicating in such manner with televiewers, can receive the same arrangement of televiewers as though it was their real friend. Similarly, simulating passionately in love, the variety musician can convince an audience, that it(he) loves each of them and it can be perceived(recognized), as a sexual appeal. And by means of this method many men - singers have weight of violent fans.
The TV in general gives unsurpassed before an opportunity. On the one hand телеведущий there, in studio, but it(he) in too time near to the televiewer in his(its) room. And simulating the certain behaviour, it(he) can manipulate the televiewer, using patterns of virtual concepts. It(he) beside and to it(him) the same resources which are given relatives and friends become accessible. Before occurrence of TV such it was impossible.
If someone will approach to you in the street and will start to simulate behaviour of the parent or the friend it(he) can receive negative reaction of you. As your brain will see in it forgery. But, when too most does(makes) телеведущий the brain does not see forgery. Why? The matter is that it(he) on the one hand to you addresses, and on the other hand and is not present, as телеведущий does not know, and whether the TV and on what you the channel is included at you. But in result the barrier of mistrust to behaviour conducting is eliminated, and it(he) starts to be perceived in that role which executes. And it gives huge opportunities.
It Is necessary to talk about virtual concepts of the whole a little. Very interesting effect arises, when you combine not сочетаемое. That is take, for example, material components from one concept, behaviour from another, and variable properties of concept from the third. The effect can surpass forecasts. Experiment with it(him).
Methods of formation of virtual concepts.
Virtual concepts are important not only by way of their modification, but also by way of the statement. We have understood how to alter virtual concepts, but let's understand, as them to create, adjust and fix in consciousness of people. So, virtual concepts have following components:
• Positive or negative colouring. (this element can be absent or be a variable).
• Material embodiment and acknowledgement(confirmation).
• Features of behaviour people connected to this concept.
• Variable properties of concept.
These derivative virtual concepts already were mentioned earlier. We shall consider, how they can be used for effective PR, both white, and black. We shall start with material acknowledgement(confirmation) of concepts.
What versions of material acknowledgement(confirmations) can be:
• the Paper documents confirming concept. It can be publications, newspapers, documents, laws etc.
• the Subjects confirming concept. It can be any things. Figurines, staffs, swords, jeweller ornaments, money etc. Actually everything, everything.
• Physiological processes in an organism. It the cold, a pain and any other sensations can be warm.
• the Natural phenomena. Behaviour of animals, plants and any other natural objects.
• Ceremonies and rituals. The last, as a rule, are effective, if are combined with the actions made above any sign by subjects or objects.
Naturally there are some traditions in this area, but nobody prevents you to create a new kind of material acknowledgement(confirmation). Especially it is actual in that case if you create, any new concept or new updating of virtual concept.
However it is important to achieve that material acknowledgement(confirmations) in a sufficient measure were submitted in your own actions or business. For example, frequently the chief does not care about material acknowledgement(confirmation) of the authority or material acknowledgement(confirmation) of participation of any employee in activity of firm. But, to secure authority and to fix participation of the employee in firm reasonably to create such material acknowledgement(confirmations). If they are not present, the respect for the heads and as consequence(investigation) of reprisal can arise inexplicable not on the part of the heads, not respect of employees for the firm etc.
How these acknowledgement(confirmations) to create? For внутрикорпоративного PR it is enough to enter rituals after purpose(assignment) of this or that head. These are some public actions which will associate in due course with change of a management(manual) in firm. Within the framework of these rituals transfer of symbols of authority from higher to a management(manual) to again created chief, as a matter of fact, should be made. And these material symbols of authority of the chief can be realized as special badges, ornaments, etc. The more often then subordinates see it, the better they realize this fact. In rituals important that all participants carried out some function. For example, before change of a management(manual) on the eve all subordinates of the future chief should hand over in office the badges and the miss(passing) and only after purpose(assignment) of the heads they will receive them from hands of the new chief. Certainly, the subordination can be fixed and in contracts, but it is important, that something was constant about it(her) reminding.
To show to employees of firm its(her) value, material proofs of its(her) success somewhere should hang. It can be certificates, diplomas, medals and photos.
In external PR also it is possible to use weight of material acknowledgement(confirmations) of the concepts connected to firm and by that to strengthen its(her) position in the market. For example, if it is necessary to prove, that the goods valuable and qualitative, put in each packing the certificate of value and quality. Or any badge is confirming. Information clauses(articles) in newspapers and magazines (not advertising clauses(articles)) similarly operate.
Material acknowledgement(confirmations) very effectively can be used in sphere of services. We shall present, that you own restaurant and want, that visitors have felt in it(him) the importance and value. Create material acknowledgement(confirmations) of value of the visitor. For example, we shall present, that the restaurant refers to "Визирь". Let your personnel acts as a maid визиря and will be dressed in the appropriate suits. Give visitors suits of visitors визиря. Let the director or the senior manager meets visitors as буд it(he) визирь, and he/she is his(its) guest of honour.
Other material acknowledgement(confirmations) can become any sensations of a human body. We shall assume you look information and transfer and there tell about a new method of treatment and, to prove his(its) effectiveness to you offer to execute a same minute any exercise. You carry out it(him), and receives distributed on all body warmly. The given sensation of heat appears material acknowledgement(confirmation) of efficiency of a technique. I saw transfer where it was told about psychotropic means. As an example, they have scrolled a certain black spiral on the screen and have told to look in the centre of a spiral. And have then offered to look away from the screen and to look on the parties(sides). All around began to float and change the form. Whether interesting effect the truth? And it(he) is excellent(different) acknowledgement(confirmation) of fidelity of a telecast.
If you work in black PR with virtual concepts, always care of material acknowledgement(confirmations) they strengthen influence and efficiency of PR-actions. Than more than material concepts, than above efficiency of the action(share).
Example. Monument Ленину was established in the Internet by two Chinese students.
I have lead(carried out) the experimental action(share) completely constructed on virtual concepts in 2005. Present: on any site, you place his(its) portrait in birthday Ленина. Whether can cause it a resonance? No. And now we modify this event.
In birthday Ленина somewhere in Russia establish new monument Ленину. And it already event, noteworthy TV. But establish it(him) not somewhere, and on a usual site in the Internet. That is in the Internet on a free-of-charge server establish new monument Ленина. On the eve I have placed there a pedestal and a monument closed by a red fabric. In all MASS-MEDIA the following small press releases were dispatched.
"""" """" """" » »
Good afternoon
April, 22 under the initiative of two Chinese students training in Russia, will be will erect new monument Ленину on a site Recently monuments Ленину basically are destroyed. We count it not fair and we erect new monument Ленину in the Internet in his(its) birthday.
Now on a site the monument is already placed, but it(he) is closed red by a fabric. April, 22 this fabric will be removed(taken off) also a monument предстанет to a general look. At once we shall tell, that it will be not absolutely usual monument.
Yours faithfully Chinese students Chzhun Fu and Tsi Find fault.
You can receive the additional information from us on е-меил
"""" """" """" »
In some hours I have received the answer from НТВ and the several other broadcasting companies, wishing to make the reporting on this event. Including I have received abusive and sated матом letters where the Chinese students tried to convince to not put a monument. However, having refused from interview, and having told about threats to address of nonexistent Chinese students I have successfully received some telereportings and publications in newspapers.
Why this event became interesting to MASS-MEDIA? The monument to somebody is only material embodiment of concepts of "recognition", "reverence" and "respect". This material embodiment can have the most different kinds and including even such virtual, as a monument in the Internet. And in itself installation of a monument is the action, deserving attention of the public, but we have changed a material component of this phenomenon and had an opportunity to have a significant resonance, from installation of a monument in the Internet.
It Is substitution material making virtual concepts "recognition". With the same success in the Internet it is possible to hold meetings of the protest to celebrate weddings etc.
Features of generation of behaviour people connected to this concept.
Another important making virtual concepts is the behaviour of people caused by this concept. If you want, that the virtual concept ran into consciousness of people, it is necessary to create and realize system of behaviour of people, to it(him) appropriate. And if the audience the question is your own virtual concept not absolutely traditional, connected with your product and in which you are interested more, than to create the given system of behaviour it is necessary. This system of behaviour is capable to fix virtual concept of consciousness of people.
However in most cases we deal with available behavioural patterns, each of which corresponds(meets) to the certain concept.
At realization of PR-actions of them also it is necessary to accompany correct behaviour of people. For example, present, there came people on meeting and did not begin to give interview to telechannels. What will be result? Or cost(stand) with smiling persons, on the action(share) devoted without joyful event.
When you use a ready pattern of behaviour of people it is necessary for it(him) to correspond(meet) and to not be in accuracy original. Originality here to anything, and exact performance of a pattern is necessary. Otherwise the pattern can be not so is perceived(recognized) by an audience, and together with it(him) and all event. You can do(make) very original action(share), but all the same it is necessary to simulate the standard behavioural patterns.
When from performance of a behavioural pattern it is possible to refuse or it(him) to change? Then, when you want to use this reception for manipulation with virtual concept. Nevertheless, replacement of one typical pattern by another more often is used, and new behavioural patterns are very seldom created.
It Is that rare branch of PR-activity when conformity to the standard standards has key value, and originality is not acceptable. Now we shall consider general(common) the mechanism of work with behavioural patterns.
We shall count a pattern a certain role in performance and we shall consider(examine) his(its) recurrence, as execution(performance) of this role. Define(determine), you use what behavioural patterns for PR. Study whenever possible thoroughly these behavioural patterns. What in this situation people particularly should do(make)? It is necessary to understand typical behaviour of people in the given situation. Look video materials with data recording situations. Study similar cases. Also create the description of the typical script. In it(him) you should take into account movements of people, speeches of people, intonations of speeches, a mimicry, clothes, gestures, surroundings. Even the smallest details matter for exact recurrence of this pattern. In each region and in different social groups different understanding of the given patterns. You need to find the representative of a target audience on it(him) to investigate behavioural patterns.
When the behavioural pattern is true? Then, when the target audience of it(him) correctly perceives. Not conformity to a pattern changes sense of events.
In this connection we shall consider technology of a manipulation behavioural patterns. The given technology refers to « Role System ».
Role system.
Sometimes it seems to us, that we do(make) all that we shall want and how we shall want, but actually we carry out precisely certain roles. If the person is the chief, it(he) should неминуемо play a role of the chief. And if it(he) it is not correct this role executes - it(him) do not respect, and his(its) orders do not execute. If it(he) not absolutely correctly plays this role his(its) management(manual) appears successful, but insufficiently effective.
Being the subordinate, it is necessary to act as the subordinate. And wrong execution(performance) of this role can result in quarrel with a management(manual) and to discontent of a management(manual). Being the friend it is necessary to play a role of the friend. Being the militiaman it is necessary to play a role of the militiaman. Being the woman it is necessary to play a role of the woman, and being the man of the man.
These behavioural patterns Whence undertake?
1. the Natural origin, i.e. are defined(determined) by properties of a human body. Probably any congenital instincts. In many these patterns it is a lot of that is at animals.
2. As a result of experience. The person studies behaviour of other people from the childhood and acquires the certain behavioural patterns.
Those properties of a pattern which, are defined(determined) by instincts, are identical practically at all people. With the same which are got with experience it is necessary to work much. The patterns acquired with experience depend on the following factors:
• the social Origin of the person.
• His(its) education.
• the Ethnic origin of the person.
• Formation(education) of the person.
• environment(Wednesday) Environmental the person.
The Majority of patterns develop of the elements instinctive and acquired with experience. And instinctive are base elements, and social derivatives from them. In this or that environment can not meet ideal executors of this or that role. You will need to create the script of an ideal role, taking into account instinctive and social elements. The role which will get in ten, and will be perceived, as the best execution(performance) of a role.
The Jury in this competition of execution(performance) of roles are people environmental you. They estimate on how many you have precisely acted a role. Role system very significant theme worthy the separate book. To simplify its(her) development we shall consider use of this system on a role of the chief. The matter is that the head at the enterprise and any other heads is basically widespread enough role which meets in the most various updatings. So we observably(notice) a role of the head in family, on work, in educational institutions. We even can observe elements of this role in shops.
Let's consider a role of the head at the enterprise. We shall assume, that this enterprise unites people of brainwork. The chief should appear the leader among the subordinates. Some execute this role incorrectly. Not having an opportunity to show the leadership, they start to swear and shout at subordinates, considering, that it lifts their status, but the status, actually, from it in the given environment falls. Look at fauna. The dog which is a lot of and aggressively barks, can frighten, but frequently does not cause to itself respect. While quietly going big dog of sentry breed causes much more respect.
That should distinguish the chief, the specified collective that his(its) role could be considered ideal for the chief:
• the Intellectual and material superiority above починёнными.
• Confidence of.
• To show the invisible border dividing(sharing) the chief and subordinates.
On all of a question write to me. in heading of the letter write
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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma
телефон +7(812)716-22-18