Anton Vujma's book About black PR
The theory of virtual concepts
Very much frequently in black and white PR it is necessary to manipulate various concepts. People speak, that they we aspire to « validity in business », to "goods", « full freedom of a choice », « create the fashionable goods » and « and sell prestigious брэнд ». But what mean such words, how « validity in business », "kindly", "freedom", "style"? For someone value of these words unequivocally. But actually all people realize these concepts differently. That for one validity in business, for another bankruptcy of his(its) own enterprise. That for one is kind for another angrily. That for a society the prestigious goods, tomorrow can become out-of-date stuff (even if отлежит all this time in a warehouse).
We frequently perceive these concepts as something material and firm and we attach to them huge value. However all of them only a fruit of our brain also exist they only there. The love, hatred, sympathy, antipathy, kindly, angrily, prestige, value, freedom, democracy, greed, the arrangement, success, happiness, the property, authority, frontiers, a recognition, a style etc. are virtual concepts.
Probably, now, you have caught yourselves on ideas, that many of the listed concepts for you more than are material. You can name documents and objects which confirm these concepts and prove, so to say, their materiality.
So the authority is materialized by laws and acts. The property, papers its(her) confirming. A style - that many people use these things. And, all the same, all these material embodiments of virtual concepts---have no any sense outside of a human society. Only being recognized all people, these papers receive an opportunity to be a material embodiment of virtual concept.
We shall Take even money, what they cost(stand) outside of a human society? You see in money the main thing is not pieces of paper, and their value and that people think, seeing them. And value of money and their opportunities is especially virtual phenomenon. If people recognize their value willingly take them, giving resources. If is not present, these pieces of paper of nothing mean. We shall notice, that it is possible to create essentially new kind of money which are not having the attitudes(relations) to any state but if we shall convince a society of their value - this money will be quoted not below, rather than usual money. And PR can convince a society in everything.
Human mutual relation in many respects are defined(determined) by these concepts. And they have key value for people and histories of mankind. Virtual concepts are the main basis of human mutual relation of all kinds.
Doing(making) PR, we manipulate these concepts more often. I even would tell, that only them. And certainly we use virtual concepts of that value in which it is accepted in a society. We use their properties besides according to the standard norms. Both these public stereotypes and representations prevent us to do(make) high-grade PR.
We shall Notice such interesting paradox. We can tell in PR or advertising, what the given goods prestigious, but whether always start to realize the public his(its) those? We can show the facts proving престижность of the goods, but besides at us not always it is possible to make his(its) prestigious. That does not suffice for this comprehension?
Actually we manipulate virtual concepts, frequently not understanding their nature and properties. The theory of virtual concepts sets as the purpose to understand with a nature and properties of these phenomena. It is obvious, that, knowing essence of these concepts, and methods of a manipulation them PR-мен gets huge opportunities.
This theory very powerful and exact tool. Even the easy sight on properties of these concepts considerably allows expand opportunities PR. you can to create values not existing before transformation, prestige, authority, the property, a style, love and goods. You will invent infinite versions of these concepts.
What is the virtual concepts? These are those nouns which designate something inaccessible to sense organs. You can check up, whether the noun such concept, размыслив above a question is: " And whether it is possible to clean(remove) it in a case? Let even this case it will be boundless big? " If a subject designated by this noun to clean(remove), where or it is impossible, you deal with virtual concept. Strictly speaking, these concepts are not material and are not embodied in any material subject. Such concept does not concern to them as the polar Lights though it(he) only can be seen, but it is impossible to feel. Everything, that is material and is perceived literally by sense organs - there are not virtual concepts.
To virtual concepts concern: the property, authority, love, kindly, angrily, value of money, validity, democracy, разумность, equality of people, freedom, experiences, the state, feelings, a matrimonial marriage(spoilage), a duty, nonsense, honesty, understanding, пышность, beauty, grace, sexuality, the law, etc. the Majority of these concepts mean in our life much and is greater, than material concepts. It is necessary to notice, that actually all PR walks around of these concepts. Very seldom PR is under construction on material concepts, without what or attributes of virtuality.
There Are people to which representations about virtual concepts seem disputable. However where except for reason of people the authority contains, for example? It is possible to tell, that the authority is embodied in symbols of authority and papers confirming authority. However in themselves these papers and symbols of authority anything without their recognition reason of people. That is they some kind of material acknowledgement(confirmation) of virtual concept.
All virtual concepts it only a product of a brain of many people. To us they sometimes seem something very material, but they have no real material embodiment. Certainly, when the significant amount of people realizes one and too the concept is identical, this concept becomes practically material and still they are virtual.
Having defined(determined) by that such virtual concepts and having understood, that they are made in reason of people and anywhere more, we find out very interesting facts. For change of any of such concepts only it is necessary to overpersuade significant group of people, in чём-or. So for capture of authority there is no necessity of someone to kill or something to win, and it is enough to overpersuade people that the authority actually belongs to other people, instead of that to whom she(it) belongs now. Sometimes successful war does not result in conquest of the state and conquerors are surprised: « As so can be? ».
Gains are conducted just for belief of people that to them is necessary to submit to anothers. However can be applied and other methods of influence. So modern mass media are a unique opportunity to convince everybody in everything. And at their correct use they can change authority.
The Same virtual concept is also the property. And if someone had boundless opportunities in belief of other people it(he) could get any property easily. And we frequently with surprise observably(notice) these processes. For example, someone from very rich people wants to have any palace which belongs to the state. Also can seem, that it is impossible to get it(him) in the property. But it not so. It(he) лоббирует the government, both laws vary and there are any conditions of trusteeship and the usings giving the real property on objects of a historical heritage. And all this speaks good promptings in necessity to keep objects on which the state does not have not enough money. And the person becomes the high-grade owner of the property.
But this concept can be beaten and in the return party(side). For example, it is then found out, that this person has acted(arrived) not lawfully as representations about the property have changed again and at him(it) select a palace. In the Soviet period for purchase of the property sometimes there was enough an oral order of a higher management(manual). However now many enterprises are moved from the buildings received « on a bell » in those times. But you see the bell at that time also was the act.
Certainly, the majority of these concepts extremely strongly also are precisely determined in consciousness of people. And the weight of documents, special symbols, ceremonies and acts define(determine), what exactly is meant that or other concept.
Naturally without the majority of them there can not be a modern society. Frequently important not only them to realize, but also correctly to realize. Wrong comprehension of this or that concept can result in serious conflicts and change of a social system. And certainly existence of quite material objects directly depends on these virtual concepts.
PR allows to change as entirely these concepts, and their separate nuances. PR can change authority, the property to change the attitude(relation) of people to authority and the property, to define(determine) the purpose and problems(tasks) of life of people. Actually with help PR it is possible to play with any of virtual concepts. It is natural to replace representation of the person about any of these concepts very difficultly. But always there are opportunities let to not change concept entirely, but to change any nuances of virtual concept. Something to call into question.
It Is interesting, that, as a rule, virtual concepts use, as something firm, especially material. However thus there is nothing less real, than these concepts. Inhabitants frequently are surprised to sudden change of such concepts: who was anything, that began everything, gold money were replaced with any pieces of paper, the property as appeared, also can have weight of variants (some of which represent a debt duty). The manipulation virtual concepts is especially active has was extended last two centuries.
I not strongly shall be mistaken, having declared, that the meaning of the life of the majority of people is defined(determined) not by material objects, and a set of virtual concepts. At once I shall notice, that PR has improbable, слабоизученными, not opened, but tremendous and powerful opportunities in business of manipulation by virtual concepts, and together with them and all human society.
We first of all, certainly, are interested with a question on how to operate these concepts? We shall understand from what any virtual concept consists? It should have some obligatory attributes:
• Positive or negative colouring. (this element can be absent or be a variable).
• Material embodiment and acknowledgement(confirmation).
• Features of behaviour people connected to this concept.
• Variable properties of concept.
We shall Understand in more detail with these making everyone virtual concepts as, as a matter of fact, further we shall use them actively.
Positive or negative colouring of concept.
Further we shall name its(her) colouring of concept, estimated making concepts or an estimated derivative of virtual concept. So, colouring of concept is a positive or negative attitude(relation) to the given concept at the certain group of the population. We negatively or positively can concern to authority, the property etc. And this our attitude(relation) also will be colouring of concept.
Be natural the neutral attitude(relation) to concept can both absolutely negative or absolutely positive, and. The arrow(pointer) of weights can hardly hardly change aside one or other poles. Some concepts have stable enough estimation. For example, the concept "angrily" practically is always estimated negatively. However the majority of concepts can have смешенные estimations. For example, the authority is regarded, as something positive if the authority belongs to the "good" person and as something negative if bad. The concept the property is sometimes painted in light tone, if she(it) yours, and in dark, if not yours etc.
We shall Notice, that the neutral attitude(relation) at any moment can become under influence of any factors negative or positive. Therefore the statement of communists, that « who not with us, that against us », had the certain sense.
Neutrally painted virtual concepts can be recoloured by means of active PR. Very much frequently any brightly painted concept lays in an environment several neutral. You easily can recolour these neutral concepts and receive by means of them estimated overweight. In result you easily can recolour and that concept for the sake of which recoloured neutral. All activity in black PR is reduced to colouring any objects and virtual concepts in black color. And activity on protection, on the contrary, to recolouring in white.
Colouring concept is one of the major properties of the virtual concept, determining actions of people in the attitude(relation) of the given concept. It is possible to tell, that the majority of actions of people are defined(determined) by an estimation of virtual concepts. That if something has positive colouring the person aspires to this and makes the actions approaching it(him) to that has positive colouring and on the contrary the person struggles that has negative colouring and makes weight of actions for elimination of these objects. Naturally at each person hardly hardly virtual concepts and aspirations accordingly too different differently are painted.
For example, if the person correlates a positive estimation in institute to something positive in the life it(he) aspires to receive such estimations and undertakes actions for this purpose. If it(he) considers, that institute formality does not undertake action for improvement of the progress. However the same person can undertake weight active actions for reception of highly paid work. So, colouring of concepts has key value at acceptance by that or other person of decisions.
By the way there are the virtual concepts designating colouring of other concepts it: advantage(benefit) and harm, it is kind and it is angry, sulfuric and white, positive and negative.
Material embodiment of virtual concepts.
We shall name frequently this property of a material derivative of virtual concept, a material component or material acknowledgement(confirmation). A material derivative are material objects representing a material embodiment of virtual concept. So, for example, for the property it is the documents confirming the property. For authority is a scepter, a crown or besides documents. For love it is words of attention and the certain actions. For value of money are a money, credit cards or something similar. For a matrimonial marriage(spoilage) is a certificate of the conclusion of a marriage(spoilage). For virtual concept the Name and the Surname are passports, the certificate on birth etc.
Some virtual concepts have no material derivative or have no concrete derivative. For example, the virtual concept "doubt" has no derivative, except for actions and a mimicry this doubt confirming. "Kindly" and "angrily" also have no material embodiments.
If the concept does not have conventional material acknowledgement(confirmation) - you can create it(him). Also it is possible to replace material acknowledgement(confirmation) of typical concept on new. A typical example of replacement is replacement of gold money paper. But it is possible to create and any new version of money. In due time in Saint Petersburg counters of the underground hardly was did not become alternative currency. Them have started to accept in shops level with money. However then this practice have stopped.
Material acknowledgement(confirmations) What for are necessary for virtual concepts? Though the virtual concept is capable to be valid and without material acknowledgement(confirmation), however for comprehension of materiality of virtual concepts and these acknowledgement(confirmations) are created. They promote absence of doubt and are as though a material evidence of fidelity of representations about this or that concept. They are more complex(difficult) for changing, rather than virtual concept. By belief the virtual concept can be changed, but material acknowledgement(confirmation) prevents to make it. Moreover, frequently this most material acknowledgement(confirmation) also is considered concept. So we name money pieces of paper, instead of our representation about their value. Though actually money and their value are made in our brains, and pieces of paper have no any value. And so many material acknowledgement(confirmations) of virtual concepts designate quite concrete material subjects, but actually all the same are in reason. Some think, and what for cares that people think about money, it is necessary cares of their quantity(amount) and ways of a seal. At the same time the most important in money comprehension by people of their value, instead of pieces of paper. Therefore, when people start to appreciate money below begins inflation, and many start to store(keep) them in other more dear currency.
The Same and with authority. Probably, depreciation of authorities if to them the respect and a recognition vanishes. It seems to many rich and influential people, and than it is necessary, that they were loved with people. There is enough, that at such person it is a lot of money. But it is far from being so. All his(its) money and authority this only material acknowledgement(confirmation) of virtual concept. And any virtual concept needs social recognition without which all material embodiments lose any sense. Not the sufficient recognition of authority people weakens authority as a whole. The first Russian oligarches did not understand this property of authority. They thought what enough to have the sea of money and it gives unlimited powers. But time has shown, that absence of their recognition the wide public has resulted in high-speed falling of many of them.
The Material derivative can be any subject, action or anything you like, but perceived by sense organs. The more the conventional material acknowledgement(confirmations), the the concept more effectively works. Naturally that the material derivative worked social recognition of this derivative is necessary. Or she(it) should be similar to any other material acknowledgement(confirmation) of adjacent concepts.
Each, already existing, material derivative is capable to have the alternative. It is possible to create alternative institutes of authority. Everything, that it is necessary only a recognition their any public group. It is possible to create an alternative style specially under the goods. It is possible to create alternative money. If the state laws forbid it - do not name their money. Name somehow in another way, but supply with value of money.
It Is possible to create alternative variant of the property. Now the property on a thing is defined(determined) basically by a place of storage. That is people store(keep) the property in a place inaccessible to others (apartments, sheds, garages) and it designate its(her) accessory(belonging) to themselves. Any large property proves to be true special documents.
Features of behaviour people connected to virtual concepts.
Further we shall name it a behavioural derivative of virtual concept, or a behavioural component. The behavioural derivative is a set of roles which people should execute within the framework of this or that virtual concept.
Each virtual concept means the certain behavioural pattern or a set of patterns. So allocated authority should supervise, and subordinated to submit. The spouse should live together and conduct a joint life. Angrily it should be accompanied by negative actions or what can be treated as negative or neutral. Kindly it should be accompanied by useful and positive actions or be treated so. Nonsense should be accompanied by unreasonable actions and correspond(meet) to the certain pattern of behaviour.
All virtual concepts assume the whole performance where each participant should execute the certain roles. Wrong execution(performance) of these roles conducts to неприятию such behaviour or to his(its) wrong comprehension. Very much frequently people treat this or that behaviour according to their representations about virtual concept. So having defined(determined) any person as nocuous and malicious, all his(its) actions can be treated from this point of view, and itself it is the person will promote in every possible way to correct execution(performance) of a role. If this person suddenly will make something good it will be astonishing and will be treated all the same as artful maneuver.
Naturally behavioural patterns can vary, wrong behaviour becomes sample, but in any case each virtual concept of reason of the person assumes the certain set of roles. At advanced people this system of patterns can be very complex(difficult) at primitive and not advanced people quantity(amount) of patterns much less.
Example. The thief who has not stolen.
Actually thieves frequently diligently act as the thief, that to them harms. And the victim of larceny acts as a victim that allows a victim to prove the correctness. So, suppose, that in a lonely pedestrian crossing the thief selects the camera at a victim, and then runs to an output(exit), catches a policeman and shouts to it(him), that at him(it) try to select the camera. And tries to make it in his(its) opinion who other, as a victim of a robbery catching up it(him). If there are no witnesses and any additional subjects to prove on a place whose device very difficultly (if the device not digital). So, to whom the policeman will believe? To the one who will be better to play a role of a victim and will not believe the one who will act a role of the thief.
We shall Consider other case. In the same transition the thief pursues a victim to select the camera. At the end of transition they will come across a policeman. The thief shouts: « it(he) has stolen at me the camera. Detain it(him) ». If further at trial the thief correctly can play a role of a victim, and the victim incorrectly will play the role the device will pass to the thief. And we shall present, that a victim is badly dressed strong the man, and the thief is well dressed woman. And suddenly same starts to assert(approve), that at it(her) this the man has selected the camera. On whose party(side) there will be a policeman? There is a probability, that it(he) will give this woman the camera of the man as she(it) simply plays a role of a victim better, and the man is more similar to the thief.
Variable properties of concept.
Further we them shall name variable derivatives of concept or variable making concepts. A variable derivative of virtual concept are varied material or virtual objects interaction which the given virtual concept operates.
So the concept incorporates the property, as a rule, some the basic variables: it is the one who posesses the property from whom she(it) is received, how many she(it) costs(stands), who has the right to use her(it) besides the owner etc. Authority comprises such variables as who and has what authority and above whom. The love contains variables of the one who loves also what love, or two objects incorporated by love. Value of money can contain such variables, as quantity(amount), a rate, a method of reception и.т.п.
On material variables concentrate the attention the majority wishing to change virtual concept. Material acknowledgement(confirmations) and behaviour of people, connected to concept, is automatic process which is not worthy the majority of people. And to change variable properties of concept hardly probable not an overall objective of many. So many aspire to achieve a priority in the market, having superseded therefrom other goods. Others aspire to a management(manual) of something, trying thus to take whose place. That is thoughts of many people are directed on management of variables of virtual concepts. Though other properties of the same concepts give sometimes more simple way to the purpose.
The Aspiration to change variable virtual concept is process natural to a brain. And creations of the new virtual concepts, new material acknowledgement(confirmations) and new patterns of behaviour is not usual and not natural process.
Now we in detail shall analyse one of virtual concepts that on his(its) example to understand with other concepts.
We shall Consider such concept, as authority. And we shall consider(examine) it(him) very widely. That is there is an authority of the government above people, authority of the chief above subordinates, the authority of parents above children etc. is a lot of Versions of authority. With them we collide(face) daily and to operate this process it should be interesting to any person. As almost everyone has any authority and is the subordinate in any hierarchical structure of authority.
So, what such virtual concept authority?
Let's consider all making authorities.
Positive or negative colouring.
To authority there can be a negative and positive attitude(relation). And the negative attitude(relation) results, to aspiration of people will get rid of this authority and also to avoid submission of this authority. If it is possible, the person leaves obedience of negatively painted authority. The last centuries for creation to authorities of stable positive image authority connected good luck or gods. Tsar named the anointed sovereign the divine or divine elect. This communication(connection) good luck allowed to keep positive image even in complex(difficult) conditions. We shall notice, that the positive attitude(relation) to authority can be generated not only due to wisdom and kindness. It depends on many factors which we shall consider hardly later.
Material embodiment and acknowledgement(confirmation).
The Authority can have weight of attributes from a crown, up to « a father's table » in family hierarchy. We shall notice, that the more these attributes, the more strong authority. Only that attribute of authority which in a sufficient measure is realized by subordinates is naturally effective. It is necessary constantly will carry out(spend) propagation of these attributes and reminders on them. The more people recognizes attributes of authority - the more strongly authority.
Variable properties of concept.
Variable properties of concept the authority is who? Whom? Where? And how? Supervises. At the usual enterprise variable properties of authority are: the director, the head of division, the younger personnel etc. As a rule, the majority of attempts of change of authority is directed on change of these variable concepts.
Behaviour of people connected to concept authority.
Depending on a version of authority the pattern of behaviour of people, with it(her) connected varies also. Traditionally there are some base patterns by which the audience is arranged. And the more every possible conditions of behaviour the person executes, the better it(he) realizes virtual concept authority.
In the traditional enterprise features of behaviour can be such: execution(performance) of tasks of the chief, visiting of the assemblies organized by the chief, arrival and a leaving(care) for work in time given by the chief, small shyness at the presence of the chief, reports on the done work. But can be and other elements of behaviour: singing of a hymn of the enterprise, bows at a meeting of the higher employee, the award отличившимся to the employees, given out by the chief in identical conditions etc.
Methods of change of properties of virtual concepts.
Each virtual concept has the certain typical set of patterns at people. These patterns differ depending on the states and social groups. People try to attach new updating of concept to one of typical patterns. In each pattern naturally there is a place for variables. With help PR it is possible to try to create a new pattern or to modify any old.
Creating new patterns it is possible to receive unexpected opportunities, from new circuits of reception of the property, before reception of the control above significant groups of people and even the states. All this will be natural legally faultlessly.
Now we shall consider, how virtual concepts change.
For the majority of concepts there are typical processes of their change. If there is one of such processes the public successfully realizes these changes as natural to the given concept.
For change of authority elections, power(force) captures, transfer by right of succession are characteristic. For change of the property the exchange, sale, donation, feedback in consequence(investigation) of violence are characteristic. For transfer of money processes of purchase, payment of wages, donation, larceny etc are characteristic.
However to change these concepts, it is possible only simulating the given process or проводя it(him) with any changes. For example, it is possible to re-elect the president of any country at official elections, but it is possible to lead(carry out) alternative elections. For example, you assert(approve), that the state selective commission yields inexact results, as ангажирована working government. On the other hand the same most selective commission is unable to provide явку voters. Proceeding from these reasons, it is necessary to organize alternative elections with high явкой. And you carry out(spend) own elections, having organized on the country the own selective commission. Provide big явку and successfully re-elect the president at alternative elections, not under inspection to the government.
You can, does not aspire to select the new president but to receive equivalent to it(him) authority. Everything, that is necessary to create it huge corporation where any member of a society can enter. And membership in this company will give any significant privileges. For example, it is possible to get access to the general(common) resources accessible only to members of corporation. To the general(common) automobiles, the general(common) planes, the general(common) trains, the general(common) snowmobiles, the general(common) apartments. These resources are distributed(allocated) according to the certain rules of this corporation. And each member of corporation depending on the rank can receive an opportunity to use these resources the certain time. For example, you can not buy Феррари, but in this corporation you quietly can drive on Феррари two hours per week in special stadium or on city. And it concerns all other resources. Very much many goods are not necessary in daily life every minute. However for the sake of their single use sometimes it is necessary to buy them and somewhere to store(keep). Within the framework of this corporation you receive an easy approach to all resources of corporation.
However at members of this public corporation the certain duties and a subordination are created. Everyone can appear in the chapter of corporation or hold in it(her) managing post. In result there is a state in the state. And it becomes possible this corporation international then it will be the transnational state. Then in this organization all new and new people are involved. In result, in any state can appear so, that all his(its) inhabitants already became members of this public corporation. In this case the authority above the state passes to corporation. Though originally she(it) as though did not set as the purpose change of authority.
What for by V.I.Leninu was to do(make) revolution? And to displace the government? To it(him) was to create transnational public corporation and on contractual conditions to entice there weights of people enough. Among members of this corporation it(he) successfully could build communism, socialism and anything you like. As soon as all inhabitants of the world would come in it(her) for the sake of resources of same corporation to remove the governments it would be not so necessary - it would be simple to them not whom to operate.
And it only one example. The theory of virtual concepts allows to create thousand such variants. And if the listed variants are capable to stop спец services more complex(difficult) circuits are inaccessible to anybody.
In business such cataclysms also are possible(probable). How the management of the firm should vary? The assembly of founders chooses other director. But can take place and unusual process. All personnel leaves from the director and organizes a double of this firm with practically same name and if will carry and at the same office. I personally dealed with three similar cases, and certainly the question was intelligent destruction of the competitor. Besides all depends on distribution of the information. If the new firm can submit itself as changed old, instead of absolutely new firm the success will be on their party(side). And it is necessary to do(make) it extreme quickly with a maximum quantity of material acknowledgement(confirmations) of truthfulness and with maximum qualitative positive estimation of an event. At once I shall notice, that such processes became possible(probable) only in conditions of general distribution of MASS-MEDIA and not possible(probable) in a society the deprived MASS-MEDIA.
The most complex(difficult) in any process connected to change of virtual concepts is a creation of material attributes of this concept. Because of it during a total privatization of the state property some new directors of the same factory frequently battled for a study of the director as the documents confirming authority were at everyone. And one of the major attributes of authority, i.e. a study, was only one.
Loss of Napoleon in war with Russia in many respects speaks that it(he) has convinced the army, that Moscow the same capital of Russia, as Saint Petersburg. After capture of Moscow and not reception of authority above Russia his(its) army has ceased to see the purpose of war. And when activity of them became senseless, war practically was проиграна. Many conquerors lost wars when after capture of capital they found out, that the country has not obeyed them. It is necessary to understand, that war it only one of ways of belief of other people in necessity to submit. The same belief can appear and owing to the economic debt.
It Is a little more words about virtuality of the property. So, we shall present, that somebody owns a site 6 соток. And these six соток his(its) personal property, but whether can proclaim it(he) on these six сотках the independent state? No. It(he) can not with six сотками be separated from the state as it does not resolve the law. Then there is a question and whose is the property personally this person or the state? Legally his(its) site as a matter of fact a state ownership. Actually this territory a drawn game. For birds of plants and animals it simply a site of the ground. For a nature there are no borders, they exist only in human consciousness.
Also it is allowable, you take a valuable thing from a house and put her(it) on a bench near to the house. You want, that this thing laid there on this bench. However it is found out, that people found her(it) hand over her(it) in a lost and found. What for? You have not lost this thing, and have simply put on a new place and she(it) your own - what for to hand over her(it) in a lost and found? Or people take this thing to themselves and consider, that they have found her(it), instead of have stolen. That is your own thing, appearing outside of you, and outside of territory of your house can lose the property, and will belong to the one who will find her(it). And this someone will not be the thief, it(he) will be found the lost thing or клад. That is the small things which have been not fixed by special documents, are the property only if are in the certain places. If they not in these places they actually already and not the property.
Or other paradox. There is peacefully your motor vehicle about a house, but suddenly on it(her) numbers of the engine, number of all details and number of the machine have changed. And it any more your machine. Yes she(it) yours also costs(stands) in the same place where stood, and is made of the same details but if numbers others she(it) means not yours. By modern machines without extraneous intervention it can not take place. And in the near future can, if number on all details will be placed in the special electronic chip. Will replace under influence of any electromagnetic phenomena to the chip enough number, and the machine will change numbers.
Франчайзинг has changed partly representations about the property and subordinations between the independent enterprises. Actually the enterprises - франчайзи are rather independent branches of business Франчайзера. However they count themselves completely independent and will prove it to everybody.
Also there is a method of sale of property, but with a condition of week using. That is two weeks in one year is your apartment, and all rest of the time is the property of other people. You can change this real estate annually for another in other countries and sell, but only the week limit of using this real estate.
There Is a question, and than such real estate differs from the permit in any hotel for two weeks of times in one year? Anything except for the name and a pattern of ownership. Simply authors of this idea modified attributes of the property and have received essentially new kind of the property providing with him(it) over the profit.
PR allows to change the following components of virtual concepts:
• Variable making concepts.
• Positive or negative colouring of concept.
• To weaken variable components of concepts.
• To create new material making concepts.
• To establish under doubt material making concepts.
• Change of collateral virtual concepts.
• Rules of interaction of people within the framework of the given concept.
Methods of change of colouring of virtual concepts.
In any sense пиарщики are the house painters painting virtual concepts. Why house painters, instead of artists? The artist, drawing a picture, as a rule, uses many colors. Among them there are dark, light and various shades of each color. Therefore on color of a picture are not unequivocal. And creations of house painters are more unequivocal. Problems(tasks) of house painters it in regular intervals in one color to paint the certain surface. And too most do(make) пиарщики. Their problem(task) to paint virtual concept a uniform layer of one color. And so that nobody could carp and find a unpainted place.
Many concepts are already beforehand painted by someone. So, for example, corruption, has strongly pronounced grey color. Murder black color, and charity yellow. But for пиарщика these colors should not exist. It(he) should be able to see subjects colorless and also to be able to recolour them in any other colors. Also we shall notice, what even murder is not always painted in black. If this criminal murder color black, however if this murder on war murder becomes protection of the native Land and color changes in white. But if this murder on criminal war - why color should be black? The same war and too protection of family and interests of family?
For пиарщика there should not be positive and negative people, but there should be people painted by someone in certain colors and opportunities these colors to change.
Colouring of concepts Is changeable also. So various people see concepts of different colors. From the various parties(sides) the concept can have various color. And also eventually the concept can change color without participation of somebody in this process. Пиарщик should take into account хамелеоновские properties of colouring of virtual concepts. And when it(he) speaks about validity, it(he) should understand, that that for him(it) validity for many other people can be not fair. That for him(it) is kind for someone angrily. And various sights on one and туже a theme can be present at the same target audience. Пиарщик certainly should take into account these sights, however take into account and that fact, that these sights can be changed.
By the way, concept PR of Russia frequently has negative colouring. And it proves low qualification of those пиарщиков which operate in Russia.
If пиарщик starts to see object in any certain color to it(him) starts to seem, that everyone see too most, but it is far from being so! People see this object in the most various colors. And only that пиарщик which sees бесцветие the facts, starts to distinguish this variety of colors and more sharply to take into account it(him) and more talently to modify. It is not important for him(it) where to work and with what people it(he) will get always in ten investigating colour sensations of an audience.
Are by the way colorless as well such estimated characteristics as it is pleasant or it is not pleasant. For example, the picture can like and it is not pleasant simultaneously. Music can like and it is not pleasant simultaneously. Is, certainly, some objective components of this process as music and color have the certain physiological influence on mentality and this influence it is not virtual.
We shall Consider, how color of virtual concepts and of what it(he) is formed is formed.
Colouring virtual concepts develops from:
1. Colors which are defined(determined) by public rules, laws and traditions.
2. Colors which are added by social group of the concrete person.
3. the Colors determined by the person, his(its) habits and views.
As a rule, the majority of virtual concepts already have own color in reason of people. To recolour them it is possible in the various ways, but certainly much depends on stability of initial color. We shall consider ways of recolouring of virtual concepts.
Method of the point of view
The method of the point of view is most distributed. Having looked at object from other point of view it is possible to see completely changed color. To apply this method it is necessary to consider all colors and shades of virtual concept which various people can see. Further it is required to choose a necessary point and sight to distribute her(it) and to fix in consciousness of a target audience. It is possible to influence not the basic virtual concept, and on minor. Among these minor there can be poorly painted concepts to which you and will give the necessary color, and together with them base event will gradually be recoloured also. Collateral concepts, as a rule, are easier for recolouring, when in their person the base it is possible to start to recolour and the basic event will be ready.
As an example it is possible to result elections to Russia and the world. Practically everywhere very actively practised black PR. One candidate очернял another, but in result all of them have together blackened elections. And anybody from them was not engaged black PR for elections. But elections became extremely not popular and are badly visited(attended) both in Russia and in the world.
However the given method is not always acceptable, for example, having looked at war on the part of the opponent it is possible to see her(it) completely in other light, but such sight is not possible(probable) for many people.
Method of binding of concept.
Other method of recolouring is binding of concept to something having strictly certain color. As soon as the concept appears, is connected to this object, color of the joined(attached) object is distributed to concept.
To blacken, any automobile брэнд it is completely not necessary to tell about his(its) lacks or to look at him(it) from any other party(side). It is enough to make some transfers about road accidents and casually in all transfers to show automobiles of this mark. In this case the road accidents having unequivocally dark раскраску for majority of people, will be joined(attached) to this automobile брэнду.
Method of intensive information influence.
One more method of recolouring is intensive information influence. This method assumes to distribute huge quantity(amount) of the estimated information concerning object. Its(her) quantity(amount) in the huge weight will block all other estimations and reasonable reasons and will be perceived as the fact.
On this method the ideology of the USSR partly kept. The huge weight of the information of strictly certain orientation turned to general opinion. It was reached(achieved) by a significant amount of slogans, posters, films, school textbooks, newspapers etc.
In business this method coincides with direct advertising. When the advertising company covers all MASS-MEDIA people start to see through any time диктуемую advertising an estimation of the goods, instead of what in two newspapers publish black пиарщики. At once I shall notice, that it occurs farly from being always. This method is not ideal and has huge lacks. His(its) main plus is simplicity. It is necessary to take many money and to order a lot of advertising with a well defined estimation. For example, simply to tell, that our goods the best or fine.
The Huge information weight frequently changes colouring concept, but not always. Besides the given method demands significant monetary expenses. His(its) combination to others to two can affect concept more effectively.
In too time due to intensive influence of the information children, studying the world, learn(find out) colouring those or other concepts. And this colouring of virtual concepts in form the person of the child and his(its) further life many. It is possible to tell, that virtual concepts render much more influence on our life, rather than material.
Colouring this or that concept of reason of the person can be considered(examined), as multilayered. There are the certain external layers rather easily changed, but there are also deep layers which are very difficult for changing. In too time to change all is possible.
So, we have a little understood with a positive and negative estimation of virtual concepts.
Methods of change variable virtual concept.
Each concept has variables. How to change them? Very much frequently for the sake of these variables all work also conducts.
For each variable that her(it) to change, it is necessary to make the following actions:
1. To call a variable into question.
2. To call into question material components of a variable.
3. To offer a method of its(her) change.
4. To offer material acknowledgement(confirmations) of a new variable.
5. To define(determine) ways of behaviour of people in this situation.
Under this circuit it is possible to change everything, everything, but it is sometimes very difficult to convince people of it. What methods can be used?
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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma
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