Anton Vujma's book About black PR
Preventive maintenance of the possible(probable) conflict.
The Best method and simultaneously to the most effective is preventive maintenance of the conflict. You carry out(spend) examination of the future actions of firm from the point of view of information problems and reveal possible(probable) conflicts in this area. Then carry out(spend) preparation of the population for your occurrence in a zone of their interests. And do(make) so so that they not only did not object to you, and opposite were pleased to your occurrence there. How it to make? It is necessary so to submit the information on your future occurrence that she(it) looked, as unequivocal plus for that group of people, whose interests you want to mention. Naturally it not always is possible, but in opposite you should operate on other technology.
In very many cases this technology yields tremendous fruits. So if in Saint Petersburg before introduction of sealing building, somebody has lead(carried out) preparatory PR many problems could be avoided. Many think: « But how inhabitants can be for it? They necessarily should be against ». And this popular belief. Practically always it is possible so to submit event, that inhabitants will count you benefactors. It is necessary simply to be able to do(make) correct рефрейминг and to be able to modify Virtual concepts.
Example. Heading of an example: the Petroleum reminding tea.
In middle 1989 international petroleum company LASMO has decided to master petroleum deposits in близи coast of Canada, to be exact deposits Коассет and Пануке.
At once they have assumed, that strong problems with ecologists and local fishermen can arise. The reasons for anxiety was a little. Shortly before it In близи Alaska the petroleum tanker was wrecked, having damaged an environment, and 15 months back have forbidden to develop a similar deposit of other petroleum company of authority New - Скотия.
Before to start to develop a new deposit heads of company LASMO have addressed in PR-agency Thomson*Law. The last have thoroughly studied the problems which have arisen at Texaco Canada Resources in New - Скотии. And Texaco has collided(faced) the following problems:
• Fishermen were united in the uniform organization for struggle with Texaco and to an opposition of development of petroleum deposits.
• Fishermen were sure, that the oil-extracting station will cause pollution environmental among and as consequence(investigation) reduction of quantity(amount) of a fish.
• During construction of station and drilling of chinks, in opinion of fishermen and their wives неминуем dump of dust in ocean, that also will pollute an environment.
• In those places happen storm and they can result in failure on an oil-extracting platform, that also will cause pollution of environment(Wednesday).
It Is natural to overpersuade fishermen who have already generated the opinion it was practically impossible, therefore company Tehaso has sufferred defeat in this struggle against fishermen.
LASMO categorically did not arrange similar участь. They began to study who particularly can resist to their plans. In result, researches they have concentrated the future PR-campaign on the following audience:
• Independent fishermen and members of their families.
• Representatives of the large fishing companies.
• Federal and local authorities.
• Journalists.
Managers of PR-agency have decided to inform up to an audience the following data:
• Petroleum from a local deposit on a consistence and color reminds weak tea.
• the Place of drilling of chinks does not concern to trade areas.
• Project LASMO in this place rather small.
• they use the newest technologies that excludes weight of the problems connected to failures.
Interactions with all given audiences it was made as private(individual) contacts and it was not shined(covered) in press to not create superfluous anxiety of the population. The program выплачивания significant indemnifications to fishermen also was created, in case of drawing the slightest damage to their business. Acceptance the decision on payment of indemnification was defined(determined) by the independent commission consisting of representatives petroleum and a fishing industry. This item(point) has made much for a way of success of process.
Naturally authorities were pleased as well to that this deposit has provided 400 workplaces.
Has appeared weight of the publications telling about the positive attitude(relation) of the population to the new project Later.
Creation of compromise variant.
Such variant of realization of actions Is developed, that it(he) suits all parties(sides). For example, you want to build shop before an apartment house. And inhabitants of a house against as it is planned to cut down small park before the house. But you find compromise variant, having placed your shop under the ground and having kept or having modernized square before the house.
Though the target audience, which interests you have mentioned, wants blood and wants, that you basically were not in their territory, however usually there are compromise variants. Sometimes these variants are very original and in a head there do not come to you not audiences. Original variants are useful for practising, as they can confuse a target audience on some time which will allow you to solve a problem. However have to a kind, that your problem can be solved, having applied a unusual course which will result in the compromise.
To develop compromise variant it is necessary to study a situation thoroughly. To study a target audience, their problems, the requirement, need, desire and the purpose in life. Search for the information. Than more you will know the facts not connected to you and than more at you than the information on a target audience that will be more productive there will be you контр attack.
Example. How to organize a disco in an apartment house that everyone were pleased?
One my client has created a night club on a ground floor of an apartment house. Naturally, in the evening sounds from club, despite of sound insulation and thick overlappings(blockings) of a ground floor, filtered upward. Tenants of one of apartments have started to be indignant and have caused acoustic СЭС. Representatives СЭС have measured loudness of a sound and have found out, that she(it) does not correspond(meet) to norm. In result, they have limited an operating time of club, to be exact time of use in it(him) alive musicians.
Above them there were two apartments. I have offered to take their tenants for work in club on a post « the adviser for acoustics » and to pay on 100 dollars to everyone. They have made it.
Tenants naturally appeared are capable to not notice loud sounds, receiving the monthly additive to the salary. As actually loudness of these sounds was lower than loudness of the automobiles passing on the next road.
The Decision certainly primitive, but effective and actually favourable as has allowed club to function round the clock.
The spontaneous attack maintained by interested persons
Is an attack organized by the indignant public and maintained by your opponents on business.
It Is one of the most dangerous attacks and she(it) has horrifying force and efficiency, certainly, in that case if is carried out professionally. Two base versions of this attack are possible(probable):
• the Spontaneous attack which has been picked up by interested persons.
• Attack organized by interested persons. And in this case she(it) becomes actually a version of professional attack and is considered earlier.
How to identify a similar kind of an attack? The spontaneous attack maintained by interested persons, has the following obligatory attributes:
• you mention Presence of public group, whose interests.
• Presence of the opponent which can take advantage of mood of this group.
• Professional or полупрофессиональные methods of attack.
To consider the person interested in attack or the organization frequently it is not difficult, as the public actively mentions them as patrons. Is usual to mask to the opponent very difficultly. However it happens, that use intermediary circuits. For example, the public opposes you, behind it(her) as you have defined(determined), there is such deputy, and for the deputy quite there can be your competitor. Last part is sometimes difficult for identifying, as the public about him(it) does not know, and the deputy will not want to tell.
What methods of struggle against the given kind of attack exist?
Method of discredit of interested persons.
The Given method assumes контр the attack directed on interested persons which have supported the public in their activity. These interested persons can be deputies, your competitors or those who began to use public indignation for the advantage(benefit). Also became as though the patron of the public.
You контр attack can be guided by the most different target audiences, but audiences such контр attacks the indignant public is typical. Here the problem(task) контр attacks to cause doubt in the validity of plans supporting the parties(sides). The revolting public, as a rule, considers, that them support from sympathy and the best promptings. And they will strongly be disappointed, having learned(found out) true motives of this support. But you should do(make) professional black PR контр attack, instead of simply « merge a dirty ».
Method of discredit of the public.
Frequently indignations of the public are directed on authority to convince the last of necessity to forbid to you something to do(make). Or on your clients to convince them to not work with you. That performances(statements) of the public were not effective, you can lead(carry out) контр attack against the most acting public.
In this case you need to discredit acting people on behalf of a target audience by which they are guided. And besides it is not necessary « to merge a dirty » speaking about their bribability, and it is necessary to cause doubt only.
Method of amplification(strengthening) white PR.
You define(determine) an audience for which all public performances(statements) are designed and carry out(spend) intensive white PR among this audience.
For example, the public acts and demands from authorities to forbid new construction. You carry out(spend) intensive white PR aside authorities and receive their protection and positive image. The abroad, usually, white PR aside authorities reduces to translation of the certain sum, in belonging to them, welfare fund.
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Yours faithfully Anton Vujma
телефон +7(812)716-22-18